Thursday, November 7, 2013

Almosted missed it. Let THAT be a lesson to ya!

Today I am thankful for something funny. Mostly it's adorable. I don't find too many things funny right now. but as I was sitting at the breakfast table, it happened and I snapped a pic.
I almost missed it. I was sitting there thinking, "What on earth am I going to take a picture of today?" and the moment came up. Luckily I realized it in the nick of time!

Bron has gotten into his stuffed animals. Like, REALLY loves them. They are the only ones that get kisses. So His monkey, Eekers, was sitting "watching" his eat breakfast and Bron would not have another bite to eat until Eekers got a bite of banana and a drink of Milk. So I had to pretend that Eekers ate some banana and put the milk sippy cup in front of his mouth. Then Bron kept eating. It was so cute and so adorable.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Today I am thankful for compassion

Compassion is defined as "a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering."
I absolutely love that last part. Because when I think of compassion, it's what I think of.
That and forgiveness.
I have had so many people extend compassion towards me and I have had the wonderful opportunity to be compassionate. And it IS an opportunity.
My husband is compassionate towards me everyday........
That's called a marriage! AH!
Of course the ultimate example of compassion is our Savior.
The Book of Mormon says this about the Lord's compassion towards us,
"And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filler with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities." Alma 7:12

I was trying to capture the feeling of the Lord's hand always being stretched out towards us.
What are you thankful for Today?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Animal Crackers in my soup

Today I am thankful for animals. I was thinking about this a lot and the reasons why. One of the most obviously reasons is the beauty that they add to the earth. But the reason I am most thankful is the reassurance they give me in our Creator. I know that animals evolve. WE, as humans, evolve. But we didn't come from chimps. And the animals were created and place in the Garden of Eden by our Heavenly Father.

Had a great day today. Me and my little partner went to the Zoo. We had a fun time and I got some great pictures. But the picture main picture I chose for today was actually before we got to the Zoo. It was this beautiful little set of shops on the way and I just had to stop. Luckily the little hummingbird flew in. He went too fast for me to get a straight forward shot, but I think its pretty cool anyway.
I had so much fun today with my shooting. It rained last night, so it was nice and cool and ALL the animals (okay, except the lion) were active and moving! I felt like I was in a Safari!
It made for some great moments with Bron and some awesome pictures.

What are you thankful for?

Monday, November 4, 2013

Today I am thankful for Dreams

The Thankful Project Day 4
I am grateful (how ironic) that these subjects for gratitude are a bit obscure. I mean, don't get me wrong, simple and straight forward is wonderful.
But with there being a bit different, I really have to think about what I am going to be thankful for.
Like today's subject of
Now, literally, I am thankful for dreams.....sometimes. They indicate that I hit REM sleep, which is awesome. And most of the time they are an escape from real life. Now, when I was working full time, I had way too many work dreams, and I still have them occasionally, so I was not and AM NOT thankful for those dreams or nightmares
But in the figurative sense, there are lots of dreams that I am thankful for. I am thankful for the dream I had to work in the medical field. I will continue on with that dream one of these days! I am thankful for the dream I had to marry a worth priesthood holder in the Temple. I know that has blessed my life in many ways. I am thankful for the dream my Grandpa had. He dreamed that my Dad would play professional baseball. It lead to lots of other things, but mostly it lead to my Dad meeting my Mom. I am thankful for the dream that Mike has to become a Dr. It has lead us down here to Tucson and I KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that we are meant to be here. Right here, Right now.
So how to get a picture that represents "dreams?" Well the first thing that came to my mind, besides watching someone sleep, is....whimsy? Something fragile, that could blow away or be pushed aside, but that has the potential to lift us up and help us do great things.
What signifies all that better than balloons????
What are you thankful for today?

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The thankful project Day 3

Today I am thankful for happiness.
 When I hear the word happiness I think of the Gospel. And these two cute sister missionaries in our ward just exude happiness to me. They are doing the right thing spreading the Gospel and you can see that joy in their smiles. I am thankful for the happiness that I have had in my life. While I have had some sadness (more than some, less than some) I have had a lot of happy moments. And I have the ultimate happiness by having the Gospel of Jesus Christ in my life.
What better represents my church than our missionaries?
When people hear the words, "Mormon Church" a lot of people think of the missionaries.
This is Sister Vassar and Sister Ballard who are currently serving in our ward.
The joy and happiness they have from spreading the Gospel shines out from their faces.
They are both beautiful girls who are serving our Lord faithfully.
What are you thankful for today?

Saturday, November 2, 2013

When you're smiling

.....The WHOLE world smiles with you......
So VERY grateful that this little boy is smiling after this week.
I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to be a stay at home mom and that....
Some days it is a struggling, but most of the time, hanging out with this little dude is a total blast!
What are you thankful for today?

Friday, November 1, 2013

A beginning and an End

Last day of my 30 day photo challenge was yesterday.
It's been a crazy week.
 I barely finished the photo project. In fact.....I ended up skipping two days.
OH. WELL. Day 30 was a self portrait. Do you know how embarrassing it is to take a self a serious one? I am not a model and I am never going to be. So in the end the thing that looked the best was a smile. I am loving trying to get indoor lighting right. Cameras are amazing.

Starting a new one for November. I am calling it "The Thankful Project". Same basic principle, except subject is something that I am thankful for for that day. In Honor of Thanksgiving. Today was Food. Still trying to be creative with my shots. I really liked how today's turned out.

The real craziness was due to the fact that we Ended up in the ER on Wednesday afternoon. Bron fell 6 feet from the top of the playground through the rails. Free fall......ended up straight on his back. Scraped his chin pretty good (which is now purple), his arm and bit through part of his tongue (which is now black). But obviously, main concern was head trauma. Initial neuro exam looked good enough that we were under 4 hour observation. Luckily, no issues ever arouse so no imaging was needed. Went to the Dr. today for another neuro check and he got a clean bill of health.
This picture was taken right before he fell.
SOOOO glad and thankful to Heavenly Father that my little man is okay.
Happy shooting. What are you thankful for today?